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Hello, my name is Cathy and I am the Owner/Operator of Maison de Ferme Petaluma.


My daughter went to a French school and she helped me name my business. We have such lovely countryside here in Petaluma, it seemed fitting to name it farmhouse in French.


After retiring from a position at Phoenix Textile with one of my roles designing nursing home rooms and public spaces, I took a space at The Find.  I started with sourcing furniture and accessories.


My background in and study of design gave me a love for vintage furniture. As my business evolved The Dixie Belle Paint and Finishes came next. I loved using the product! The Dixie Belle Paint Company provides training and networking with some of the best furniture artists in the business. Each piece of furniture I paint brings a new adventure.  I do take custom paint jobs!


I currently contribute videos on the Chalk Paint 101 Facebook Live page about painting techniques and have my own videos on my Facebook page weekly on Fridays at 2:00 pm.

Cathy Scileny

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About Me
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